Kunststofftechnik - Spritzguss


With our modern machinery, all common materials are processed.
Special materials on request.

Spritzgusstechnik - Kunststofftechnik Spritzgusstechnik - Kunststofftechnik Spritzgusstechnik- Kunststofftechnik

Own tools and customer tools ensure optimum quality in 1 and 2 - technology.
Socket ends and other complex product requirements are our strength and your business.

  Materials such as

  • PS
  • PP
  • PA
  • POM
  • ABS
  • GUR
  • PES
  • TPE
  • and all other common thermoplastics can be processed.

Our machinery includes machines from 300kN to 3500kN Locking. Maximum shot weight of 950 grams


Kunstofftechnik - Formenbau Offenburg Waschke GmbH

Kunststofftechnik - Formenbau - Hofweier - Offenburg _ Südbaden

Kunstofftechnik Formenbau - Küchentechnik Waschke GmbH

           Full - Service      


Surface finishing and assembly are an essential part of our full-service strategy.
We manufacture components from different plastic parts as well as combinations of plastic and metal and external parts of all kinds.
We have been using plate welding as bonding technique for decades. Surface finishing and machining and assembly.


Kunststofftechnik Offfenburg Waschke GmbH Spritzguss Spritzgusstechnik Offenburg Waschke GmbH Formenbau formenbau spritzguss_kunststoff_016_oberflaechentechnik_web

